


Regenerators is a virtual space like a podcast in which we will talk with different actors to understand how to influence a Más regenerative consciousness from their knowledge and their stories on how to move towards regeneration.

In these inspiring spaces we will explore all aspects of regeneration from the global to the local.

Listen every month to a new conversation and Compartir it with all those who want to be part of this regenerative community.

Claudia Martinez Zuleta Agricultura y regeneracion

Claudia Martínez

Director of the E3 Group - Ecology, Economics and Ethics and of the Coalition for Food and Land Use in Colombia (FOLU). Claudia is passionate by nature and convinced of the importance of regenerating ecosystems and their societies by understanding the symbiotic relationships between people and their environments.

Throughout her career, Claudia has been able to contribute to environmental and social development from different institutions in Colombia and the world.

She worked as Colombia's Vice Minister of Environment, Director of the Office of Sustainable Development and Vice President of Environmental and Social Development at the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), and was also one of the first environmentalists in the Latin America Bureau of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

Claudia hosts eight conversations with regenerators that seek to lead to reflections and inspire change.

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