
Let's explore more about regeneration

Regeneration in Action promotes initiatives and proposals that have transformed communities or territories towards regeneration.

It is essential to work for more conscious, fair and inclusive societies, with values favouring conservation, regeneration, and ancestral and scientific knowledge.

In this section we share videos, platforms and articles so that you can learn more about regeneration.


Regreening the desert

Learn about the world’s largest ecological regeneration project carried out on the Loess Plateau, China.

The documentary “Regreening the Desert”, recorded by researcher and educator John D. Liu shows that it is possible to rehabilitate degraded ecosystems.

Allan Savory's holistic management

Allan Savory is a naturalist and cattle rancher who proposes, based on his experiences and studies in the African savannah, an alternative method for managing ecosystems with livestock.

Holistic management allows reversing large-scale desertification processes and mitigating climate change with the capture of atmospheric carbon in the soils of the grasslands.

Ernest Gotsch and syntropic agriculture

Ernst Gotsch and his “student” Nelson Araújo Filho have developed an agroforestry system that reproduces the functioning of the original ecosystems in various regions of Brazil.

This method combines food production with habitat restoration, attracts wild animals, and helps reverse desertification.

Kiss the ground

A documentary narrated by and starring Woody Harrelson, Kiss the Ground is an inspiring and groundbreaking film that reveals the first viable solution to our climate crisis.



Colombia Regenerativa

Colombia Regenerativa is part of the Regenerative Communities Network (RCN) and facilitates exchanges within the bio-regions in Colombia.

One of its purposes is to help Colombia meet the ambitious goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions – GHG by 50% by 2030.

Visión suroeste, Antioquia

This platform focuses its actions on the Southwest of Antioquia and aims to consolidate sustainable and regenerative rural development throughout the territory.

Based on experiences, alliances and local knowledge, they develop projects and activities that contribute to the transformation of food systems and the conservation of nature.

La mierda de vaca, Valle del Cauca

La Mierda de Vaca is an initiative that is committed to teaching about and promoting organic agriculture as the main alternative for a dignified life and social prosperity in the countryside.

This platform offers online courses on various topics associated with regenerative agriculture, including: biofertilizers, microorganisms, and compost. They also promote events and publish photos.


Regeneration international

Regeneration international was founded in 2015 with the aim of promoting, facilitating and accelerating the global transition towards agriculture and regenerative land management.

Its mission is to help build a global network that promotes regenerative practices throughout the entire food system.

ATTRA, United States

ATTRA is an educational service for sustainable agriculture in the United States, created in 1987.

This platform offers individualized assistance to producers, extension agents, researchers, educators and entrepreneurs.

Costa Rica Regenerativa

Costa Rica Regenerativa brings together a community with multiple capacities to reflect, plan and activate projects that facilitate the transition towards a regenerative paradigm.

This platform has six lines of work aimed at promoting regeneration through the creation of networks, courses, meetings, research and projects.

Sociedad Científica Latinoamericana de Agroecología (SOCLA)

SOCLA is a regional organization dedicated to promoting agroecology through action research and different forms of knowledge, as an essential strategy to achieve rural sustainability and just food systems in Latin America.

Articles and books

Reed, B. 2007. Shifting from ‘sustainability’ to regeneration

In this article, Reed argues that sustainability, as currently practiced in the built environment, is primarily an exercise in efficiency. In other words, the use of environmental rating systems and other mechanisms makes it possible to reduce the damage caused by the excessive use of resources. Rather than doing less harm to the environment, he argues that it is necessary to learn how to engage with the environment using the health of ecological systems as a basis for design.

Wahl, D. 2016. Designing regenerative cultures, Triarchy Press

Wahl argues that the goal of creating regenerative cultures transcends and includes sustainability. In addition, he reflects on the need to change the paradigm, and not just focus on a technical, economic, ecological or social transformation. Change begins, Wahl points out, in the way we think of ourselves, our relationships with others and with life as a whole.

FOLU. 2019. Growing Better: Ten Critical Transitions to Transform Food and Land Use

The Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU) global report proposes a reform agenda, centered on ten critical transitions for real practical solutions. These could bring about the change needed to drive progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement, help mitigate the negative effects of climate change, safeguard biodiversity, ensure healthier diets for all, dramatically improve security food and create more inclusive rural areas and economies.

FOLU. 2023. Aligning regenerative agricultural practices with outcomes to deliver for people, nature and climate

This report highlights the need to create a results-based framework to measure, evaluate and scale regenerative agricultural practices that benefit people and the planet. It includes a review of the evidence on how specific practices relate to three important farm-level outcomes: biodiversity, climate change mitigation, and yield, along with recommendations for stakeholders.

Lares, L., & Henríquez, A. 2021. Diseño Regenerativo y Economía Circular. Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación. Ensayos, (134), 19-34.

The authors of this article invite us to reflect on the connections and opportunities that arise when integrating the concepts of Regenerative Design, Circular Economy and Industry 4.0, emphasizing the role that designers must have in the process of production and consumption of goods and services for restoration and regeneration on a global level.

Nicholls C. & Altieri, M. 2017. Nuevos caminos para reforzar la resiliencia agroecológica al cambio climático

This book offers an overview of the progress of various countries and initiatives in Latin America on building climate resilience through agroecological practices.